I encourage content affiliates to analyze an affiliate network to his/her advantage. We have a competitive industry. Top-performing affiliates have power in their choices to demand what is expected of an affiliate network. Affiliate marketers, specifically a content affiliates, have tremendous influence due to the value provided to the merchants. A content affiliate should ask themselves the following questions before selecting an affiliate network to partner with.

Does the Network Offer Advanced AttributionTo Protect A Content Affiliate?

Advanced attribution is defined by the ability for merchants to track different ‘touch points’ within the sales cycle. Many times within affiliate marketing advanced attribution determines monetization strategies. Below is an example of how this affiliate advanced attribution could impact a commission.

As seen above, without advanced attribution, a content affiliate/influencer risks losing his/her commission. But, that’s not all. The content affiliate also risks his/her value bring hidden from the merchant. If the merchant only sees the last click, the merchant is unaware that a content affiliate had any influence on the sale. Without the value being visible, the affiliate loses a key bargaining component for future bonuses, exclusives and commission increases.

Affiliate networks that have advanced affiliate attribution include:

How Does the Network Handle Affiliate Payments?

When researching affiliate payment, most affiliates simply look at payment timing and options for payment (such as direct bank account deposit or PayPal). I implore you to look deeper. What happens when a merchant goes offline? Will the affiliate still be paid in this situation? Does the network encourage their merchants to pay in a timely manner? Below are examples of how select networks prioritize their affiliate payments.

Shareasale requests their merchants to pre-pay their commissions through an automated deposit system. The downside of this is that if a merchant’s deposit runs out, the affiliates’ links will go offline. However, this downside provides a great incentive for merchants to never allow their deposit to run out. In addition, affiliates can see if a merchant has recently gone offline when reviewing Merchants to partner with.

Avantlink prides itself on ensuring all affiliates are paid in a timely matter, even if there are issues with the merchant’s payment. This type of dedication to their affiliates makes Avantlink a top network for affiliates.

What Type of Tools Does the Affiliate Network Provide?

Affiliate networks provide great tools for affiliates ranging from the ability to developing custom widgets to creating custom links on the fly while on a merchant’s website. Most networks offer the ability to create widgets, custom links and automatic insertion of links onto affiliates’ websites. Below are some outstanding tools from networks that continuously strive to improve their affiliate tools.

Make-A-Video Tool by Shareasale allows marketers to upload videos and insert affiliate links within the video.

Product Discovery Booklet Marker is an amazing new tool also by Shareasale that allows marketers to create affiliate links while still on the merchant’s website. If an affiliate sees something they like, they can create a link on the fly.

SnapVisi from Avantlink allows users to create links within existing photo collages. This tool has been a perfect solution for my fashion bloggers in the Swell affiliate program. Fashion bloggers take photos of themselves in their clothes or make collages specific articles of clothing to create a complete and unique outfit. The SnapVisi allows each article of clothing to have a unique link to the specific product. This deep linking ability creates a great user experience.

WordPress Tools from Avantlink allows affiliates who use the WordPress platform to create unique banner ads that integrate seamlessly into his/her blog.

Does the Network Have Merchants I Want To Work With?

I put this question last for a reason. This should be the last question an affiliate marketer asks themselves. Almost all merchants have competition. Affiliate marketers should create a list of networks they really want to partner with. If a merchant is not in the “dream” list oif networks, research that merchants’ competition for one that is. That is how important selecting a network is for a content affiliate.

If an affiliate is passionate about a specific merchant, they should ask the affiliate manager if he/she would consider joining one of the preferred networks.

The more education on the importance of the network provide uis to affiliate marketing, the stronger our industry will be.

I am sure you have guessed by now that my merchants reside in Shareasale and Avantlink. They are also parasite free (meaning no affiliates gain commissions passively.. An example is a toolbar affiliate) and utilize advanced attribution.

Do you have a favorite network that is not on this list? I would love to hear about it in the comments below.

Check out my complete list of programs here. I would love to work with you and help you answer any questions!

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