Chegg Campaign – Tips To Save Money In College

College is expensive…no one can dispute that. While renting your textbook is a great way to save money, I recognize it may not be enough for your readers. Here are some saving tips for college students that are a great start for your next post. Grab the ones that you feel will speak to your followers best and add your own flare and personality.

  1. Don’t Buy Rent.  include your Chegg textbook rental link here in your text. Also, include banners on the sidebar
  2. Review the meal plan. Will you really eat in the cafeteria? Make sure you are honest with yourself
  3. Ditch the car. save on parking and gas. most things are in walking distance on campuses
  4. Chegg Study. Save money on campus tutors and sign up for Chegg Study instead. At only $14.99/month, you get all your questions answered in the community
  5. Chegg Tutor. Need one on one help? Chegg Tutor is an affordable way to get answers for your late-night questions. Pay only for the time you use.
  6. Limit eating out
  7. Save money on your laptop. Check with your parents to see if their company offers employee discounts. Shop sales.
  8. Take advantage of campus amenities such as an on-campus free gym or free movie nights
  9. Shop wisely. Many places offer student discounts such as The Gap and Jcrew.
  10. Work your student discount options. In addition to clothes, student discounts can be found for public transportation, restaurants, movie theaters and more.
  11. Always pay your bills on time to avoid late fees. Most places have the ability to set up an auto-pay.
  12. Pay off your credit cards. Credit card companies are known for targeting college students and not with friendly interest rates. Don’t turn that $10 pizza delivery into a $100 meal with interest fees
  13. Ditch the cable. Streaming options such as Netflix or Hulu are less expensive. Or hit Redbox for your movie fix.
  14. The library is your friend. There is no need to buy books or even magazines when you have a public library nearby. Most libraries have the ability to download books, magazines, and music as well.
  15. Don’t use it anymore. Sell it on Craig’s List and earn some extra cash.
  16. While pets can be an awesome companion, they are also expensive and a great responsibility. Save pet ownership until after your degree
  17. Consider becoming a resident advisor. Be a mentor to younger classman and save on room and board.
  18. Still, have textbooks lying around from last year? Sell them back on Chegg for some extra cash
  19. Have a need for caffeine? Ditch the Starbucks and buy a coffee maker instead. or better yet, split the cost with your roommate
  20. Buy generic. The packaging may not be as pretty but the savings sure are. Buy generic whenever possible from food to toiletries


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