According to NBC News, 45% surveyed Americans said they would prefer to skip the whole holiday season.

Halloween hasn’t passed and yet Christmas decorations are on display.  Increased commercialization and an extended holiday season leave many people dreading the holidays. According to NBC News, 45% surveyed Americans said they would prefer to skip the whole season. Headlines read “How to survive the holidays.” Where are the posts on how to “Thrive For the Holidays?”

The Grokker Affiliate Program offers you and your followers a way to find joy and peace during this hectic time of year.  Taking a few moments out of your day to stay in the present moment and practice self-care can make all the difference in your attitude.

What is Grokker?

Grokker offers online subscriptions for yoga, mindfulness, fitness and cooking. Experts lead high quality online classes. Classes range from one hour to five minutes. There are classes to make you sweat out your stress and classes that focus solely on slowing down your breathing. Grokker instructors are available 24/7 and without having to avoid any mall traffic.

Do you hear that sound? That is someone breathing a sigh of relief.

Try Grokker For Yourself

Click here to try out Grokker for yourself. Grokker has a 14 Day Free Trial that you can cancel at any time.  If you decide to sign up for the monthly subscription, it is only $14.00/month, less than one yoga class.

Share Grokker

Share your newfound peace with your followers. The Grokker affiliate program offers a $7 commission, for each free 14 Day Trial sign up. You can promote a great tool to your followers and make money for your holiday gift list. Click here to learn more about the Grokker Affiliate Program.

The Grokker Affiliate Program is open to giveaways and premier placement opportunities. Click here to get the conversation started.



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