It is not uncommon for affiliates to reach out to us with questions about why their site isn’t ranking on google. Even though Google is dodgy at best when it comes to information on how they rank websites, there are a few things you can do that have been tested and found successful.
We gathered our information from Ahrefs’ free online SEO Course. If you are looking for a more in-depth explanation or visual representation of any of the concepts below, we highly recommend you check it out.
How to Find the Right Keywords:
When creating content for your site, it is important to think of search engines like a library. The search engines browse the content on your site for keywords or keyword phrases that match the searcher’s inquiry. This is why doing your keyword research is so fundamental to the success of your site. It helps your content rank in search results.
Keyword Research:
Research can be conducted on Google but is less effective. This method of research does not provide you with data to make an informed decision. We highly recommend using Ahrefs, there is a free version for Keyword Generation and one for checking Keyword Difficulty. A little research helps you understand what words people are using to find content related to your subject and what kind of content you should be creating.
Discovering Search Intent:
Once you’ve identified which keywords you plan to prioritize, conduct a search using the keywords then analyze the top results. This helps you identify the common searches surrounding the subject and what information people are looking for. What is the intent behind the search and how can you answer their questions.
Content Angle:
While doing your research, ask yourself questions similar to; Are other sites posting How-Tos? List posts? Reviews? Are these posts in the form of blogs, videos, product pages, etc? This will give you a good idea of what ranks when it comes to your subject.
Suggested Tools:
Keyword Generator – Will match keywords and keyword phrases that are similar. It will also tell you the Keyword Difficulty which is the difficulty of how hard it would be to rank in the top ten results. This is free to use.
As you set out to create your new post, ask yourself this: Does the topic drive enough traffic and have enough business value to make it worth the effort? You want to create performing content that aligns with your brand. The more consistent you are in your focus, the more likely you are to draw in like-minded individuals who want to interact with your content. What techniques do you use when creating new content?
Do you still have questions on Keywords and how they work? Email us and we’d be happy to clear it up for you! If you are ready for technical tips/steps, please continue to Part 2