It might not be the start of 2014 but to this WAHM (work at home mom) the fall feels like a New Year. As a child, I marked my life in school years with determination for better grades and a more organized year. This fall represents a time for me to refocus on my business.
This fall my youngest starts The Big K…Kindergarten. While I will not deny tears will be shed on the first day, I am looking forward to five full uninterrupted, no nannies calling in sick, no “just one question” days. I will miss them don’t get me wrong (insert mother’s guilty voice here) but I look forward to truly growing my business.
Here is my list of things that just didn’t make the cut during those summer hours or even preschool years.
Attend a local networking event. There are several amazing network events in my area that I have not been able to take advantage of. It gives me the opportunity for reaching out to potential affiliates and new clients. It also gives me the creative rush of communicating with peers. My eye is set on small business and women entrepreneur associations.
Join a Co-Cop. There is a local shared working environment for women only. It is called Hera Hub. I will join in September. I LOVE working from home and all the flexibility it provides. Frankly, I can’t imagine how my home would function any other way. However, a change of environment and interaction fires my inner business mojo like no other. I plan on two days a month to start and expanding as needed. Look for a future post about my experience.
More In Depth Blog Post. This blog serves a purpose of notifying my affiliates of upcoming promotions and merchant programs. It always will. However, I commit to writing at least 2 posts a month on more in depth subjects on marketing and work/life balance. With 20 years marketing experience and 12 years working at home, I have a lot to say.
These are my “new year” resolutions for the fall. I will give you an update in the 2014 when the rest of the world makes their resolutions. Join me in making a commitment to new goals for the fall. I would love to hear your goals and what fall means to you.
Happy Back to School!