As I prepare for our annual pilgrimage to Arizona for Spring Training this weekend, I am reminded of just how close baseball season really is. While spring may feel eons away to my East Coast friends experiencing yet another snow storm, our first official day of spring is Thursday! With warm weather approaching, there is no better time to promote Cleatskins.
What is Cleatskins?
Cleatskins covers any cleated shoe and makes the shoes into street shoes. Not sure what I mean? Check out this great video…available to affiliates of course. Use Viewbix to include your affiliate links in the video like I did.
Does it work with metal cleats?
It sure does! Cleatskins Metal is designed specifically for metal baseball cleats. Looking for Cleatskins for rubber cleats, please use Cleatskins Pro.
Does it work on other cleats?
Absolutely. Below are some of our top sellers.
- Cycling
- Soccer
- Lacrosse
- Wrestling (no cleats but great for preventing germs on mats)
- Track and field
- How do I become an affiliate?
How do I become a Cleatskins Affiliate?
Cleatskins is exclusively on Shareasale (ID 21310). Sign up today.